This list features resources that people interested in or working on narrative studies may find useful. An active link means they are downloadable resources. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to add resources to the list!
Gimenez, J. (2010). Narrative Analysis in Linguistic Research In: Litosseliti, L. (ed.) Research Methods in Linguistics (pp. 198-215). Continuum.
Gimenez, J & Morgan, W. J. (2017) Academics across borders narratives of linguistic capital language competence and communication strategies Globalisation, Societies and Education, 15:1, 68-95, DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2014.937402
Gimenez, J. (2021). Narrative-constructions-of-successful-mobility-by-migrant-academics-in-the-UK Paper presented at the University of Westminster Seminar on Migration.